Customer Testimonials

     Victor Corral, DIVE Coastal Cuisine Chef/Owner

“Customer service was absolutely amazing! You can say you will have me for a long time customer.”


witherspoon distillery monitoring     Steven Arnold, Witherspoon Distillery Head of Barrel Operations

“SenSource Wireless has enabled us to closely monitor the temperature and humidity levels in multiple locations and levels throughout our Rickhouse. The data being collected is all available online and the reporting tools will help us make decisions for placement and storage of our products. Michael has been tremendous with the set up and the customer service that he and SenSource has provided.”

CHCC Healthcare Centers Testimonial     Nick Beradino, CHCC Health Care Centers CFO

“SenSource Wireless has brought our refrigeration monitoring into the 21st century. No more paper records! Their continuous monitoring and cloud-based solution gives us peace-of-mind in knowing that our residents are safe and secure.”

hugs cafe     Ruth Thompson, Hugs Cafe, Inc. Founder/President

“Hugs Cafe, located in McKinney, TX, is a non-profit organization that provides food service training and employment to adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities.  We opened our doors October 13, 2015.  Several weeks after opening, we came in to find that one of our refrigerators had stopped working for several days and we lost all of the product.  Not something that any restaurant wants to deal with especially a start-up and non-profit.

The refrigerator was repaired and we were recommended to Sensource Wireless.  They came out and put sensors on all refrigerator and freezer units.

About four weeks later, the kitchen manager and I received alerts in the middle of the night that ALL units were out and temps were rising.  We rushed down to find that there was no power to our location.  After doing some research, we found that someone had turned off the breaker box from outside.  This was rectified and we lost NOTHING.  Had this gone until the morning when we came in, it would have been devastating.

I recommend Sensource Wireless to EVERY restaurant owner.  We certainly sleep well at night knowing that we are covered.”